Note: This post was originally written on Sept. 5th, but Blogger wouldn't let me post it for some reason. I then forgot all about it until tonight, when I re-surfaced into the world of blogging. *********************************
I've had a wonderful day today. Seattle is actually warm and sunny today, and my day with Ella was fun and relaxing. She's such a good baby!!
We're back from Alaska and getting back onto a routine, which is actually going pretty well.
Alaska was awesome! Here are some brief highlights:
Wildlife we saw:
*bald eagles and their little eaglets
*mountain goats
*brown bears
*salmon (alive and on our dinner plates...yum!!)
*sea stars and sea cucumbers (while kayaking)
Ports we stopped in:
*Juneau - Chad and Jina went kayaking here, so Ella and I shopped, explored, and played together all day long
*Skagway - we went hiking up to some mountain lakes, shopped, walked around, etc.
*Ketchikan - I went kayaking from 7am-10:30am here, then met up with the family afterwards. We hung out, walked around, got lunch, went shopping
*Victoria, B.C. - we ate dinner on the ship and then walked around, enjoyed a free concert outdoors, and went on what we affectionately call "The Great Canadian Diaper Search." Yeah. After locating one single diaper, found a cool bar, enjoyed a few rounds, and walked back to the dock after the sunset. Nice.
The ship was awesome, including all the food! Yum!! I'm eager to get back to Alaska now, too. Some day I will live there for sure.
My dear friend Karin is visiting the states and she and her husband were in Seattle last week. Ella and I met Karin for lunch last Wednesday afternoon and had a ball. I introduced Karin to Orrapin, my favorite Thai restaurant. YUM! I could eat there every day and not get sick of it at all! I hadn't seen Karin since last August, so it was so good to see her and catch up a little. I'm planning on visiting her and Jake in the UK either next spring or fall...sometime in '08 for sure!! I can't believe it's been three years since the last time I went overseas! That's unacceptable!!
Off to read and hang out.
Here are some pictures from last week's lunch:

Karin and Ella

All three of us