Friday, February 27, 2004

Interesting...I've been meaning to read this book!

You're Watership Down!

by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I really like this quote...
"Saints are those who have drawn so close to the center of the circle [in which God is the center] that the Uncreated Light streams through them into the world. And the closer people draw to them, the closer they get to the divine."
Elizabeth A. Johnson

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Back in the States and Back to School...

My weekend abroad was absolutley wonderful! We spent the entire day in Whistler on Saturday. We saw a few eagles on the way up, too, which were amazing. There was lots of snow in the mountains (yay!), but it was clear and the air was crisp. We stopped at a 9,000 ft waterfall (Shannon Falls) on the way back down. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The road we took up from Vancouver was the Sea to Sky Highway. It has been voted one of the most beautiful drives in the world. I believe it!

I found out on Friday that I am now the Park Ranger at Cran-Hill Ranch for the summer of 2004! I'm really excited and just want it to be summer now. I can't believe that I am going back for my third summer. I really didn't think that I would reapply after two summers there, but it's definatley where God wants me to be this summer. And I know that I will have a blast serving God at one of my "homes." :) Yay!

I should get going....homework calling my name. Yay for Feminist Theology!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

It's Been Awhile...

Yeah, it's been awhile. My laptop died last Saturday, so I've been living in the basement of the library for most of my computer needs. Blah. Lael is pretty great about letting me use her laptop, too, which is a blessing. In a few weeks I will be the proud owner of a new Dell Dimension desktop, not to mention in debt to my parents. Paying them back monthly shouldn't actually take that long, and since it is the only option that I have right now, it's going to have to do. I hate money.

We have another three day weekend coming up this weekend, so me and my Dutchies are heading up to Vancouver, British Columbia for a few days. Woot! Yeah for getting out of the country for a change of pace :) Sara, my roomie from last year, lives up there and we are going to stay with her fabulous family. Megan is coming along, too. We're going to go to the Dutch store and also to Whistler, where the 2010 Winter Olympics are going to be held. The salmon have finished running up there, but there are still some bald eagles camping out up there, so that will be awesome, too. I'm really really excited and am so ready for a good long break! Theological conversations with Sara's parents will be great, too. They both graduated from Calvin, and her dad from Calvin Seminary, so life is always a blast up there. They love talking about Michigan with me! I think that we need to further discuss the whole "Harry Potter issue", seeing as I am the only one in my apartment who doesn't believe that Harry Potter is evil. Sometimes I begin to feel like a heathen and pagan around my roomies and members of cadre. At least everyone in all of my Ed classes are on my side, thankfully!

Oh, and today I found out that as of this quarter I am a senior...SENIOR. Woot! So that means earlier registration and more seniority points for getting into the housing we want for next fall. Awesome!

Amoeba, my sis, is coming to visit me over spring break. We have the same spring break, and it also falls over her 20th b day, so that will be awesome. I found her a round-trip, direct flight from Boulder to Seattle for 181.00. Amazing.

It felt and smelled like spring today. Life is good :)