Mary Poppins for a Week
Ok, so I WISH I were Mary Poppins! The accent, living in London, looking like Julie Andrews, singing like Julie Andrews, having Dick Van Dyke as a friend, that sweet carpet bag....oh, and the MAGIC would be awesome, too.
I say this because I have been watching Gracie (7 yrs) and Oliver (4.5 yrs) since Wednesday afternoon. Their parents are in NYC until late Sunday night. And I must say, taking care of two around the clock is HARD, even though they're school-age and can do many things on their own. I think what exhausts me the most is the school schedule: get Gracie to school on time, get Oliver to pre-school on time, pick up Oliver at one, pick up Gracie at 3, then off to either ballet or Tae Kwon Do. Mostly, I'm not used to it, but I think it'd be okay if I were used to it. The kids do incredibly well with it, though, and they have one extra-curricular each, which is only one night a week. Tonight will be nice, since we can come home straight from school and either go to the park or take the dog for a walk. Then dinner, baths, and movie and popcorn. And if they're good they can stay up until 8:30! They're really good kids, though, and have been doing very well with their parents being gone. They call them every night and mom and dad left a couple little presents for the kiddos to open throughout the duration. We have fun things planned for this weekend, which gives them things to look forward to. The weather is supposed to turn crabby, so we're going to see the new Veggie Tales movie, have a play date (so I can go to my knitting class), and go to the zoo after church on Sunday. Fun fun!!
Baby Ella and her mom are in L.A. this week, so I get Monday and Tuesday as a weekend, and I'm just going to sleep and read. That's it.
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