Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oh, Paint Crew

I ache. Painting ceilings stinks. It's really hard to get paint out of your hair and off your body.
Ok, I'm done complaining now :)
Paint crew is actually going really well, and has been pretty fun this past week, despite the heat. We play pool during our breaks, and today I won our game by knocking in mine and Mike's last stirpe, with the eight ball following right behind! We also made up a game we like to call "Tape Golf." It's quite like frisbee golf, but instead of frisbees we use our rolls of blue masking tape. Only a few have mastered the technique of whipping a roll of tape down the hall at the right angle and with the right amount of velocity to get it to hit the ground and roll the rest of the way. It's quite impressive and addicting, to tell you the truth.

I had coffee with Pastor Lynne this afternoon. Well, I actually had a Raspberry Tango from Tully's,since it was 82 degrees this afternoon. It was good to sit and talk with her. I was able to share some stories from paint crew, as well as some struggles and frustrations I've been having lately. We've actually decided to study the book Space for God together, by Dan Postema (a Dutchman - woot!). I look forward to our evenings together; she's one of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Off to bed to read Under the Banner of Heaven. It's so good!! The summer reading list is coming along quite nicely :)


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