Home Sweet Home
Ahh, it's good to be home. We pulled in around 3:30 in the morning, and headed right to bed. Yes, we did indeed drive all the way from San Francisco to Seattle all day yesterday. We only stopped for gas, bathroom breaks, and food. It was a long 16ish hours, but sleeping in our own beds made it well worth it!! I go back to work tomorrow morning, so I have today to rest up, read Harry Potter, and do lots of laundry.
Our trip was amazing. I have so many rolls of film to get developed! Here's the nutshell version of our past week:
Day 1:
-Stopped at Mt. St. Helens, where we ran into Dr. Caddell, one of our professors. All three of us were a little disoriented at first, but then had a friendly conversation about our respective summers.
-Drove into Oregon and over to Hwy 101, to the Oregon Coast. Took some beautiful back country highways, ate dinner on a floating restaurant, and spent the night in a little beach town called Alsea.
Day 2:
-Drove down more of 101, witnessed breathtaking views of the OR coast, and stopped at the Sea Lion Caves for an hour. Very cool!
-Got back onto I-5 and drove to Crater Lake, in southern Oregon. Amazing! Probably one of the highlights of the entire trip. I want to go back there and camp sometime.
-Slept in Medford, OR.
Day 3:
-Cross into Cali! Finally! Meet a man from Napa at breakfast, who gives us an "easy route" to Bodega Bay, where we were going to camp.
-The "easy route" turns into a 12-hour drive through CA, including ALL - every single one - of the Redwood Forests! Beautiful, but lots of tight curves and canyon roads that only allow you to go 40 mph.
-Stay with Karin and her family in Bodega (rather than camping, because we got in at 10:30pm, instead of 2pm)
Day 4:
-Checked into our campground, Bodega Dunes
-Pitched Karin's tent, which I didn't know had instructions. I did very well at pitching it, though, and it only took me two attempts - pretty good, considering I had no idea what the finished product was supposed to look like!
-Explored Bodega and Sebastopol
-5pm wedding rehearsal
-Very yummy rehearsal dinner
Day 5:
-Horseback riding on the Sonoma Coast!!!
-3pm, warm up for wedding
-4pm, WEDDING! Amazing, and one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to. It was perfect, and the reception was especially fun. I won a case of beer!!
-9:30pm - head to San Francisco and spend the night
Day 6:
San Francisco!!
Golden Gate Park, Japanese Tea Gardens, Flower Conservatory, got to see part of the AIDS quilt, Fisherman's Wharf, In-N-Out burgers for dinner (started by an SPU Alum!!)
Day 7:
San Francisco to Seattle - approx. 16 hours in the car. Ugh.
It was tons of fun, but I am ready to chill and head back to work tomorrow!!
Here are two pictures of Karin and Jake

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