Thursday, February 17, 2005


a. The light or the direct rays from the sun.
b. The warmth given by the sun's rays.
c. A location or surface on which the sun's rays fall.
a. Radiant cheerfulness; geniality.
b. A source of cheerfulness.

You never know how much you really appreciate simple things like sunshine until you go approximatley a month without it. There were actually days a few weeks ago when I would think to myself, "You know, I can't remember the last time I saw blue sky or the sun." That's not the case now, however! We have sun, sun, and more sun! It's another clear, crisp 45 degree day, the mountains are out, and there's not a cloud in the sky! I imagine that heaven will be something somewhat similar to spring weather in Seattle. And the best part: they're calling for nothing but sun for the next nine days :)

It's Thursday, praise God. I love Thursday. Normally I watch my little Emily on Thursday afternoon, but they are on vacation this week, so I won't see her until next week. She brings me so much joy! She'll be two and a half in May, in case I forgot to mention that. Her mom was telling me that Emily will repeat other babysitters' names if someone says them first, but that when it comes to me, Emily talks about me all the time! Emily always gets fussy around 5:15ish, since it is getting close to dinner and has been awhile since her nap. Last week when her mom told her to say goodbye to me as I left, Emily threw herself onto the floor and had a full blown temper tantrum. So her mom put her in her room, with the baby gate up. So my sweet little Emily clung onto the bars of the gate and wailed "Vaaaaaalllllll!" over and over again. I must say, it feels good to know that little kids love me :)


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