Ella, Thanksgiving, Snow, etc.
Yep, it's high time I updated this thing! Thank you to Carrie, who reminded me to do so :)
Well, let's see...
This past Monday I started another job (I'm still at PBK!). I am now nannying for Ella Josephine, who was born on October 9th, putting her at 8 weeks old! Her parents are wonderful and Ella and I have lots of fun together. I'm currently nannying three days a week, 7:30am-5:30pm, but will go to full-time sometime in March. She's so tiny and smells so good. She's half Korean, so has a full head of dark hair, gorgeous eyes, and great skin. What a lucky little girl!! I love it when she is alert after feeding: her eyes get all wide and she stares and coos. Today it actually sounded like she growled at me, which was really funny. Ella is also a very good eater, and I love feeding her! Her mom is breastfeeding and therefore pumps while she's at work, so all I have to do is heat up bottles for Ella, preferably BEFORE she wakes up. I'm learning her routine more and should have it down pat after next week, I hope. Today she slept for a good two hours, which I was glad for. Poor little thing was really tired. I LOVE holding her and feeling her weight and warmth against me. She likes to fall asleep on my shoulder and snuggle into my neck. I'm in love with this little girl already, and I can only imagine how her parents feel!!
My Thanksgiving was good. Meagan and I went to the Thanksgiving service at church, which was really good. It was a small service, but nice and quiet as we listened to the rain beat against the windows. The only thing that was off about the service was that Pastor Dan roped off the entire left side, so we all had to sit on the right. It felt terribly unbalanced and irked me the entire time! Later on I told Dan that the feng shui was off, and he just laughed. He did make a note in his bulletin not to rope off one side next year! After the service, Meagan and I headed to Edmonds, where we caught the Edmonds/Kingston ferry to her aunt's house. We decided to walk onto the ferry and only pay 6.50, rather than drive on and pay about 28.00. We're sure glad we did, too, 'cause the wait for cars to drive onto the ferry was over two hours long. Aye! So we went to Meagan's aunt's house, where I met lots of her family, ate yummy food, and relaxed. It was nice to be out of Seattle, and taking the ferry always makes it feel like you've actually taken a real trip somewhere. Oh, and when we docked in Kingston we were greeted by bag pipers!
So all the rain we got earlier this month as since turned to SNOW. Snow in Seattle = BAD NEWS:
1. The City of Seattle owns a handful of snowplows
2. Seattle is comprised entirely of hills
3. NO ONE knows how to drive in snow, therefore schools are closed when an inch or less hits the ground
And it's been snowing since Sunday. I have to admit, it is actually pretty, especially since now so many houses of Christmas lights up and stuff. Queen Anne looked like a postcard Sunday night! I think the best part of this whole ordeal is that the Seahawks beat the Packers Monday night while playing on a football field that resembled more of a hockey rink! Crews kept having to shovel off the yard lines so the game could go on, and it took on average 8 hours to get home from Qwest Field because the buses stopped running! Oh, Seattle...
Here's the pic that graced the front page of yesterday's paper:

Go Hawks!!
Oh, and here's a cool picture of my friend Tara, who got married two months ago. I know Tara through Pottery Barn Kids, and she and I are becoming good friends. I played Scrabble (or "Scrabbish", as Tara called it) with her and her husband, Dan, last night. They're lots of fun and crack me up. Hooray for new friends!!

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