"Never build on a flood plain"

The title of this post is a quote from my high school geology teacher, Mr. Alexander. "Never build on a flood plain" was one of the most important things that he wanted us to remember from his class. (The other two being "Don't sleep on the toroweep" - one of the levels of the Grand Canyon, and "Granite rocks!" You gotta give the guy a lot of credit for getting 17 and 18yr olds excited about rocks)
Anyhow, I am reminded of Mr. A's class as I watch the news and read the Seattle Times. Western Washington is now way more than just soggy. The non-stop rain that began November 1st continues, and many areas of the state are experiencing extreme flooding. As of tonight, as least nine people have died in the flood and Coast Guard rescue divers have been called in on several occasions to air lift people from their homes. Entire houses have been swept away, either by raging rivers or land/mudslides. Thankfully, Seattle is comprised entirely of hills, so we have not been experiencing much flooding that I am aware of. We're all just really soggy and sleep really well at night with the percussive patters of rain on our rooftops.
If you think of it, please pray for our state and the people who are suffering because of this severe weather.
I tried to comment a minute ago but apparently it didn't work. I was just wanting some more info. on you and what is happening to you. You chastized me for not posting and now I have several times. Where is Valie Girl?
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