Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Blue Like Jazz

So I just finished reading Donald Miller's book, Blue Like Jazz, which has been the talk of college-age Christian circles for quite awhile. Miller even came and spoke on SPU's campus last quarter, but I wasn't able to go. Several good friends recommended his book, saying that it was an easy read and that Miller is like Anne Lamott, but with testosterone.
In all honesty, I didn't really like the book. There are some very good points in it, but none that I found brilliant. None of what he wrote was really new to me, but some of it served as good reminders while growing in my faith. And my friends were right when they said it was an easy read; I found it too easy. In many ways, it seemed like Miller dumbed down the points he was trying to convey - so much so that at times I found it offensive, not to mention that my mind would frequently wander while trying to read it. It's true that Miller writes in the same form as Anne Lamott, being that they both write about their own spiritual journeys and stories. The difference that I see between the two, though, is that Miller's book lacks the deep intellect and thought that are woven throughout the pages of Lamott's works.

I'd love to hear any thoughts on Blue Like Jazz if anyone would like to share. I'm curious as to what the people who really like the book see that I don't see....


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