Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request, and, since the people I know who read my blog are prayerful people, I thought I would post it...

My mom's health is deteriorating. She's been really sick since Novemeber of 2004 and every part of her - mind, body, and soul - seem to be in a rapid downward spiral. My family is doing all we know how to and can, which never seems like enough. We don't have any real answers, we don't know what will happen next, and we don't know how much longer any of us can handle it.

BUT I believe in the power of prayer and in God's faithfulness, so please pray for my mom. Her name is Cindy.


I'm not going to post any real specifics here, but feel free to email me at val@spu.edu if you like.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

I will be praying for your mom, your family, and you, Val.--Tricia

And sorry for this random addition, but to answer your question about Texas teachers getting paid based on performance--I hadn't heard of that happening, but that doesn't mean anything because I rarely watch the news. I don't know much about the public school system in Houston. I'm not a fan of pay by performance in any profession or job, but exhorting non-Christians to honor God in their work and serve others as Christ has served them is probably not the route the public schools can go either. :) There is more to say here, but I'm tired and still need to nurse Becca one more time before bed.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Val said...

Thanks for the prayers, Trish. I'll keep you posted on how she does.


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