(yes, I know how to spell miscellaneous) :)
Lots of stuff has been going on out here. I found out my student teaching placement this past week. I'm going to be in a second grade classroom at Whittier Elementary over in Ballard, about ten minutes away from SPU. It's actually kind of a team teaching scenario. There are four second grade teachers, who all have their own classes. All the second grades get together frequently thoughout the year to do projects together and stuff. I have three friends who have been placed in the other three classrooms, so we'll kind of be student teaching together! We're all really excited about it and get to meet our teachers and the principal during an informal interview after Thanksgiving.
It's gotten really cold and wet out here. Well, the really cold part is what's new these days. We're kind of used to rain in Seattle...
Anyhow, it's FREEZING outside and we've had to pull out our winter coats two months early! It definately makes walking to class less and less appealing.
Church is really good. We've been going through a sermon series on the Apostle's Creed. Today Pastor Lynne preached on the line "the forgiveness of sins." It was awesome. An older man was baptized at the end of the service, which was so beautiful to be a part of, and it fit so well with Lynne's sermon.
I've had a relaxing Sunday. There was a Gilmore Girls marathon on today, so I watched part of that while doing homework. I do love the Gilmore Girls. Obsessed with the Gilmore Girls is probably more like it :) Seriously, though, of all the things on TV these days, I could have chosen a much worse show to be obsessed with!
My friend Kristen is flying out to Seattle during the first part of Christmas break! I can't wait to see her and show her everything I've been telling her about for the past 3.5 years. We'll go to the market, the waterfront, Mt. St. Helens, Vancouver, Whistler, hang out on the beach, she can come to church with me, we'll hit all the best coffee shops in Seattle....yeah, I can't wait :)
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