A smooth day in kindergarten!
Ahh, finally, a nice, smooth day in kindergarten! Everyone kept all of their clothing on (as far as I know, anyway), no one missed the bus, not a single student cried today, Ryleigh came up to me and told me he likes me, and three little girls fought over who could sit by me at lunch. I tested all the kids on their knowledge of upper and lower-case letters, along with the sounds each one makes. It was encouraging to see their improvement from when they were tested in September. True, some kids only did a tiny bit better while others nailed every letter, but it was still good. It was also interesting to notice trends among the kids, for example, most kids still think that the letter "G" makes a "j" sound, rather than a hard "g." I loved testing Ben. He had trouble pronoucing the labial-dentals (v and f), even though he was trying so hard. I finally figured it out when I noticed that he's missing his two front teeth, therefore making it impossible for him to put his front teeth to his bottom lip to say "fff" or "vvv." Too cute!!
I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm hoping to get many errands done, such as having someone check my power steering fluid in my car, replacing my two back tires, and going to the DMV to get my WA driver's license! I'll be one step closer to becoming a WA resident :)
Oh, a funny thing. Oliver (2 yrs) refused to nap for me yesterday. It was so strange, since he normally zonks out three minutes after I put him in his crib. I tried everything - rubbing his back, rocking him, walking him around his room, singing, all with no luck. He was incredibly hyper and bouncing off the walls. I told his mom, Lisa, about it when she got home. She promptly looked at her calendar and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you about that. There's a full moon today, and Oliver never naps when there is a full moon." She was dead serious. She said that she didn't buy it at first, but then she kept track of his naps on the calendar, and sure enough, the kid doesn't take a nap when there's a full moon. And I thought my sleeping habits were wacky.
Kids (and parents!) never cease to surprise me.
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