Fantastic News!!
I received a long-awaited phone call last night:
My friends Andrea and Michael are engaged!! I am off the wall, I am so excited for them! I made them promise to keep me in the wedding planning loop as much as possible with the 3,000 miles between us, and they said in unison, "Of course you're going to hear everything - you're going to help plan!!" Yay!!
I told my Gracie (6 yrs) that Andrea is getting married. Gracie looked up at me with excited, wide eyes and replied, "Val, are you going to be the flower girl?!?!" I cracked up, and so did her mom when I told her. I tried explaining the maid-of-honor thing to Gracie, but she was stuck on flower girl. Too funny. I also called Andrea and left her a message telling her that sorry, but I'm not going to be her flower girl :)
Another cute Gracie quote: "Val! We can watch 'Cinderalla Three' tonight! I don't have 'Cinderella 2,' but if I did, we could watch all three Cinderella movies and watch Cinderella and the Prince get married three times!!!"
Oh boy.
I watched Jesus Camp b/c of what you said about it. It was really interesting, and non-biased, which seems like a hard thing to do when you're on that topic!
When are you going to post again? I miss your updates. I'm going to try to send you the pic of you and I at Christmas Eve at Faith.
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