I won a book at GROUP tonight! I never win anything! And it's a book I was actually going to spend 15.00 on and buy after GROUP. It's signed by the author and everything!The woman who introduced Lilian Calles Barger, the speaker and author of the book, asked for the first person who could tell her what state Barger was from. I shouted out "Texas!" and won. It was great. Of course I had a slight advantage over everyone else, as Barger spoke in my women's studies class this afternoon and told us she's from Dallas. Minor detail. :) Her book is called Eve's Revenge: Women and a Spirituality of the Body. It looks absolutely amazing, and if it's along the lines of what she spoke about today in class and this evening at GROUP, then I know that it is going to be powerful. Chapter titles include: "A Blank Canvas?: Why Our Bodies Get in the Way of Our "True"Self", "The Body is My Altar: How Women are trained to Serve the False Idols of Beauty," "Es Una Nena!: How the Current Spirituality Capitalizes on Our Sense of Powerlessness," "Daughters of Eve: Our Creation and the Origins of Our Shame," and "The Not-Always-Virgin-Mary: Our Bodies as Places of Redemption." Those are just some of the chapter titles, and they make me really excited to delve into her work. I gotta get to bed for now, though. Lots of homework and more "Respect Your Body Week" stuff going on on campus tomorrow. Barger is speaking at a forum tomorrow morning entitled "Tied Down - The Body and Spirituality." I'm excited to go!
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