Friday, January 02, 2004

Snowy Seattle
I arrived back in Seattle Tuesday afternoon. It started to snow later that evening and it even stuck around until the middle of Wednesday! Yay for snow!
Being back is GOOD. Lael and I have been relaxing, knitting, hanging out with Emily, had a semi-illegal adventure on New Year's Eve, etc. We're going to the mall and the three or four floor Target today. I need to get some organizational stuff to reorganize my stuff in our office. Our fourth roomate, Laura, moves in on Sunday and we need to make some room for her and her stuff. She's 23, from Oregon, and sounds really cool. We talked for nearly an hour the other night and I think things are going to go really well. We're getting excited for her to move in!
I ordered all of my books the other day, with a grand total of $150...yay! Still not going over $200 on books...can't break my streak!
I should go eat some breakfast and do some chores and stuff. I love all this time to get stuff done around here and play before school starts! I've been getting lots of reading in, too, which has been fabulous. Three more days until school starts...


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